donderdag 29 maart 2018

His cap / carboard frame / X form glasses

We have made them removable.

We  used his hat to make a prototype.
We need to see where we can put the glasses on.

I will protoype at the spot when we visite Obe.

We also made a frame out of cardboard to see if the helmet would work. But it was too big and we needed a more suitable helmet.

X form on the glasses.
Problem was that it went off from the front and it is too flexible. We needed more testing on this one.

vrijdag 23 maart 2018

Feedback / Prototypes

Ear piece cut out 
Obe and his mother testing 
 Prototype 9
Feedback = the triangle has to be changed so that it fits he's ears
  + They worked but need to down size the glasses

   So we came up with this protototype.

prototype with 2 strings 
 After prototyping we made One that only uses 1 string and you can make it in one go.
the concections between the carboard and elastic band 

Hier we used 3 strings = more stable 

actuale size of the glasses with mouthpiece
 Prototype 10
Glasses with mouthpiece
- need to be tested
 Next we look how we could connect the trianglure piece with the arm of the glasses.

- maybe a video of it would be great

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an elastic loop so that you can put the arm of the glasses in

Putting it on
 - The glasses haveto have straight arms
    if it's bended then it doesn't work

+ The trianglure piece stays locked in and is              sturdy
The result

Next we made a piece that can hold every string in place
- before that, the strings were all over the place

vrijdag 9 maart 2018


Pediatric Volitional Questionnaire(PVQ, observational assessment)
Brief explanation of the assesment
The PVQ is a observational assessment to evaluate young kids with average to severe mental, verbal or physical limitations. The motivation and environmental factors get evaluated.
The kid is observated in a variation of situations where there is the opportunity for interaction with people or objects.
De PVQ is een observationele assessment om jonge kinderen met matige tot ersntige mentale, verbale of lichamelijke beperkingen te beoordelen. De motivatie en de omgevingsfactoren worden bekeken. Het kind wordt geobserveerd in gevarieerde situaties waarin gelegenheid is voor interactie met mensen en voorwerpen.

O. likes to discover new things. He does this through mouthing. When O. gets toys he likes to play with them. He made a tower out of blocks and then clapped. He frequently throws his toys on the floor. When you give him another toy, he doesn’t know how to play with it. Altho he puts everything he gets in his mouth.
When we were observering O. he played a lot with his glassess. He would pull it down, up and eventually he would pull it off his head and put it in his mouth.
O. was in his standing orthisis during the observation.


              Cliëntfile: CMOP-E

Name:  O. M.                  Age:   3,5y              Constraints: Severe development delay




·         He likes attention.
·         He laughs a lot.
·         He is distracted easily. 
-     He has a strong relationship with his mother.

·         Obe has a mental delay. Mentally he is 12 months old.
·         He doesn’t say words but makes noises.
-     He has troubles concentrating.

·         Severe development delay
·         Hypotone image
·         Eatingproblems
·         He wears glasses(-7)
·         He is now in the Oral phase.
·         Unimanual right side
·         No crossing of central line.
·         Can’t walk yet without a walkingaid.



·         He gets fed through a tube  cause he has no hungerfeeling.
·         O. gets washed and dressed.
·         O. isn't autonome.

·         He likes to play with cubes
-     He likes to play in his yard where he has a swingset that is modified for him and a slide.
-     He has a playingcorner where there are loads of toys. Here his favorite toys are cubes.

·         O. goes to school at: “De Oase” in Gent


·         He is seen by 9 medical specialists in UZ-Gent.
·         He goes to school in 'De Oase' in Gent.

·         Obe is a Boy
·         He is Belgian.
·         He lives in a Western culture.

·         Physical therapist
·         Teachers
·         Caregiver
·         Doctors
·         Mom
·         Classmates
·         Family

·         He has a adjusted bike.
·         School
·         Home
·         Walking aid
·         Standing orthisis
-     Sitting orthisis