donderdag 7 juni 2018

Report prototype 6

PEO-model prototype 6
Prototype 6 was tested at the home of Obe. Nika and Obe's mom put the prototype on Obe's head. To do this they had to put his glasses on with a cord at the back. Then they put a bikehelmet on and a visor in front of the glasses. The visor stops Obe from pulling the glasses and doesn't limit his vision.

When the prototype was being put on he offered some resistance but after a couple of minutes he calmed down.

When he calmed down they played for 25 minutes on the slide in his yard. During the playsession Obe didn't pull off the prototype and had good vision.

Around Obe were Nika(IPO student) and his mom.

Eight channel model prototype 6

We put Obe in the charter 'Flow' because after he was calmed down he didn't resist the prototype anymore and was able to do a playsession without being bothered by it. Also he was able to see well.

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